The Matthian:
We’re Still Here

Volume 7, Issue 2: Sunday, October 11, 2020

VIGIL MASS in Church Saturday at 5:00 pm
OUTDOOR MASS Sunday at 9:30 am

Some ministries have resumed and we are adjusting to virtual meetings.
Welcome to the latest issue of The Matthian.
A nod to the founding members of the parish community, utilizing a new way to communicate and stay in touch.

Scripture Reflection – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Several years ago, in response to the ever-growing divisions that have beset our nation, Fr. Richard Rohr wrote, “…it is inconceivable that a true believer would be racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, or bigoted toward any group or individual….”  Our challenge to such ignorance and evil must, as Rohr said, “flow from our authentic identity as love.” Click here to read more.

Saturday 5:00 pm Mass is live-streamed to our YouTube channel “Live Streams from St. Matthias in Redwood City.” We will no longer be live-streaming the outdoor Mass. Please subscribe to the channel for easier access.

St. Charles will offer one Mass per weekend, Sunday 8:30 am outdoors in the parking lot between the Parish Center and Church. Folks are invited to bring their own chairs. This Mass will also be live streamed to St. Charles’ Facebook page.

If you miss the live stream, videos of each weekend Mass are available on YouTube and Facebook and our parish website,

UPDATE: YouTube no longer supports email notifications to subscribers. Please click here to read updated instructions. 

Subscribe to the St. Matthias Bulletin

Due to the restrictions in place because of the global pandemic, all worship aids were removed from Church except the weekly bulletin. This now contains the readings for Sunday Mass, prayer requests and Mass Intentions. You can receive this resource to your email inbox by subscribing or at Mass. Subscribe to the bulletin by clicking here

NEW: Masses of Remembrance

The St. Matthias Community along with The Family Support Group Invite parishioners to submit the names of friends and relatives who have passed from this life into the next since Nov 1, 2019.

Loved ones will be honored at our annual Masses in Remembrance. Masses will be offered October 31st at 5:00 p.m. and November 1st at 9:30 a.m. Both Masses will be celebrated inside the Church.

We remember those who have left this life and recognize that they are now in the Communion of Saints.

Please choose the Mass most convenient for you and your family and let us know if you will be attending.

We are also preparing a video remembrance to be shown at the masses.  To include your loved one, please email or send a photo and the dates of their birth and death to Lisa Bamford in our Office before October 20th.

Standing Up to Racism

An Interfaith Discussion: Standing Up to Racism

Will be hosted by Peninsula Multifaith Coalition (of which St. Matthias is a member) on Monday, October 19th at 7:00 pm. This Zoom event will feature speakers: Rev. Kristi Denham – UCC Pastor, April Vargas – Community Organizer, Kelly You & Alex Iliopoulou – Coalition Z, a youth organization promoting positive change and moderated by Rabbi Corey Helfand. Visit

League of Women Voters Pros and Cons

We invite you to join us at one of the Zoom webinars listed below. There will be a live Q&A during the presentation.

Sign up at our LWVSSMC website for your choice of webinar. Zoom links for each date will be posted. Copy the Zoom link to your calendar or click on the Zoom link at the time of the webinar. Click here for more information.