Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM)

St. Matthias’ & St. Charles’ Middle School Youth Group is designed for fifth through eighth graders as a forum for exploration and discovery about how God has revealed himself in the world and how youth can become more aware of God’s presence in their lives. Over the scheduled sessions, youth will learn about God, Revelation and Faith, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Church, Liturgy and Sacraments, Christian Morality and Justice and Prayer. Lives of the Saints will be explored and all faith topics will be connected to lived experiences. 

We will be using a St. Mary’s Press publication called, Connect! Bringing Faith to Life. Copies will be provided for youth. 

Meetings will combine prayer, structured learning, fun and games, and service projects and will be held on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. 

To register your child for our MSYM Program, click here to complete the Google Form.  Or to find out more about our Middle School Youth Ministry program, contact Sabrina Harper.

Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM) Schedule for 2024-2025

Our St. Matthias and St. Charles middle school youth meet together. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Most class meetings will be held in Borromeo Hall at St. Charles. Service projects or special events will be held in Fr. Lacey Hall at St. Matthias. 

Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM) fee is $120 for one child, $60 for each additional child.  If you wish to make your payment online, click here for the secure donation portal.

Sept 18th Year 1/ Chapter 2 God the Father
Oct 2nd Safety Class
Oct 16th Year 1 / Chapter 4 Creation
Oct 30th Game Night @ St. Matthias – Fr. Lacey Hall
Monday, Nov 4th Feast of St. Charles Borromeo

Fr. Roy Remo’s Installation Mass at 5:00 pm 

Nov 6th Year 2 / Chapter 12 The Old Law and New
Dec 11th Year 2 / Chapter 13 Honoring God
Dec 18th Advent Reflection Family Night @ St. Matthias
Jan 8th Year 2 / Chapter 16 Respecting Truth & Property
Jan 22nd Year 3 / Chapter 1 Pentecost
Feb 5th Year 3 / Chapter 2 New Testament Letters
Feb 26th Year 3 / Chapter 3 Mission of the Church
March 12th Year 3 / Chapter 9 Working for Justice
March 26th Year 3 / Chapter 7 Sacraments of Healing
April 16th Year 3 / Chapter 5 End Things
April 30th Year 2 / Chapter 18 The Lord’s Prayer
May 14th Feast of St. Matthias

Service Project @ St. Matthias  – Fr. Lacey Hall

High School Youth Ministry (HSYM)

St. Matthias’ High School Youth Ministry program is designed for high school students as a forum for exploration and discovery about how God has revealed himself in the world and how young people can become more aware of God’s presence in their lives. An emphasis is placed on how youth can make meaningful connections with each other, the parish community and community at large. 

Our High School Youth Ministry group will be meeting in collaboration with the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition for service projects and learning from others. 

To find out more about our High School Youth Ministry program, contact Sabrina Harper.

Safe Environment

Each year, we act in accordance with national mandates implemented in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People for fingerprinting and/or background checks of all catechists and volunteers who have regular contact with young people. Also, all catechists and volunteers are required to complete an online course called, “Protecting God’s Children” before they begin their ministry and is renewed every three years.

Also, each year children will be guided through the “Empowering God’s Children Program” designed for specific age groups which provide a theme that introduces and builds on the basic concepts of the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide. The material is developmentally appropriate for each age group and includes content and activities that reinforce the message.

More information about these programs and materials will be made available to families in the fall.