Our faith is formed every day by the ways we experience God in our lives.  This ministry connects people to faith opportunities within the parish as well as connecting people to classes, workshops, retreats and prayer services in the larger Catholic community.   It provides resources for connecting us with one another, the community, parishes and diocese.

Bible Study: What Old Testament Women Teach Us About Mary

The study of salvation history is incomplete without studying the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Women played a significant role in revealing God’s plan for His people beginning with Eve. Throughout the ages, women raised their children, prayed, and gave thanks to God and risked their lives for the God of their ancestors. Many demonstrated courage, perseverance, leadership, conversion, and suffering.

The Catholic Church teaches that “the mission of many holy women prepared for that of Mary ” (CCC 489). Did Mary know the stories of the Old Testament women? How might their stories have influenced Mary during her lifetime? Did she have them in her heart, pondering their examples as she responded to the Angel Gabriel?

This series will seek to answer these questions as we study several women from the Old Testament who significantly contributed to the history of the Jewish people and our redemption. This study will be offered on Mondays, at 10AM and repeated at 7PM in Fr. Lacey Hall.

Sept 16th – Welcome, Overview, Eve & Mary

Sept 23rd – Sarah and Mary

Sept 30th – Miriam and Mary

Oct 7th – Rahab and Mary

Oct 14th – Hannah and Mary

Oct 21st – Bathsheba and Mary

Oct 28th – Mary and Messianic Fulfillment

The Chosen Watch Party

Have you heard of The Chosen? This television show is intended to fill in potential “backstories” for the biblical characters, especially Jesus’ disciples. Sabrina will lead a summer watch party using season 1 of this show as a tool. During each session, we’ll read brief scripture passages, then watch the episode that incorporates the scripture, then engage in a discussion. The series will be held on Sunday’s following the 9:45 AM Mass, beginning on July 7, 2024 and concluding on August 11, 2024. Start time will be about 5 minutes after the conclusion of the 9:45AM Mass. Attendance at all the sessions is not necessary. No prior experience with scripture study is required. Contact Sabrina for more information.

Below, find links to the one page handouts for each episode. Handouts include episode summaries, contextual information, Scripture references, discussion questions, and prayer.

The Chosen July 7th Week 1: The Prequel – The Shepherd

The Chosen July 14th Week 2: Episode 1 – I Have Called You By Name

The Chosen July 21st Week 3: Episode 2 – Shabbat

Watch at Home Episode 3 – Jesus Loves the Little Children 

The Chosen July 28th Week 4: Episode 4 – The Rock on Which It Is Built

The Chosen Aug 4th Week 5: Episode 5 – The Wedding Gift

The Chosen Aug 11th Week 6: Episode 6 – Indescribable Compassion

Watch at Home Episode 7: Invitations

Watch at Home Episode 8: “I AM HE”

Bible Study: Letters of James & John

Beginning on April 8, 2024, this series will focus on the Letters of James and John. The Letter of James presents a beautiful understanding of what it means to lead a Christian life. The Letters of John offer teachings about Christian faith and love. This nine-week series will conclude on Monday, June 10th. This Bible Study will be held in the Fr. Lacey at 10AM and repeated at 7PM. Participants may attend either session. Please bring a Bible and a pen. No prior Bible Study experience is needed. If you have not previously signed up, email Sabrina to receive details for each session. For questions about the series, email Deacon Rich.

Bible Study: Letter of James Week 1

Bible Study: Letter of James Week 2

Bible Study: Letter of James Week 3

Bible Study: Letter of James Week 4

Bible Study: Letter of James Week 5

Bible Study: Letters of John Week 6

Bible Study: Letters of John Week 7

Bible Study: Letters of John Week 8

Bible Study: Scripture and the Eucharist

What are the biblical foundations of the Mass? Which Old and New Testament verses provide an understanding of the Eucharist as the “source and summit of our faith?”

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has initiated a multi-year Eucharistic Revival with a focus on our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. This year, each parish is asked to present opportunities to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through the Eucharist.

St. Matthias/St. Charles Bible Study will be offering a six-session Bible Study on “Scripture and the Eucharist.” Each session will examine the Biblical foundations for the Mass found in the Old and New Testaments. We will identify and discuss Jesus’ teachings and actions as found in the New Testament and as illuminated in the Old Testament and practices within Judaism. Each session will include a video, reading and analyzing specific Biblical references and questions for group discussion.

  • 6 sessions September 11 – October 16, 2023

Sessions will be held on Mondays at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm in Fr. Lacey Hall. Both sessions will be offered in person.

Contact Deacon Rich for questions.

Bible Study: Gospel of Matthew

This year we will study the Gospel of Matthew.  On the First Sunday of Advent, the Church begins Cycle A (Matthew’s Gospel) for our Sunday readings.  The Gospel of Matthew acts like a bridge between the Old and the New Testament.  This gospel uses many references to the Old Testament promises of God to His people and the messages sent through the prophets.  The book of Matthew gives us the key to understanding the rest of the New Testament and Christ as the fulfillment of God’s plan.

The study of the Gospel of Matthew was in two parts:

  • 5 sessions   November 14 –  December 12, 2022
  • 8 sessions  April 17 – June 12, 2023
Bible Study: The Letter to the Hebrews

Our recent studies have included the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s letters, Book of Revelation and Old Testament Prophets. However, no prior participation is required. We welcome all to Bible Study. This seven week series will be on the Letter to the Hebrews. New Testament scholar, Rev. Raymond Brown, called the Letter to the Hebrews “one of the most impressive works in the New Testament.” The letter focuses on Jesus Christ as the new and everlasting covenant between God and His people. This letter speaks to the core tenets of our faith.

This series began on April 25, 2022 and will be offered twice each Monday. Our 10 a.m. session will be offered in person at Fr. Lacey Hall and at 7 p.m. virtually on Google Meet.

Bible Study: The Old Testament Prophets, Part 2

Welcome to our continued study of the Old Testament Prophets.  Welcome also to those who are joining for the first time.  It is nearly impossible to understand the messages and ministry of Jesus without an understanding of the prophetic books of the Bible.

In this series, we will examine the historical and theological implications of the prophetic writings in the context of the history of the Jewish people and their covenant relationship with God.

We concluded our study in spring with Isaiah.  In this eight week series, we will study the other major prophets:  Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.  If time allows, we will examine the writings of a minor prophet who wrote after the return from the exile.

We begin with the Book of Jeremiah.  The Book of Jeremiah takes place during the final decades of an independent Kingdom of Judah and the beginning years of the Babylonian exile.

Bible Study: The Old Testament Prophets, Part 1

Welcome to our study of the Old Testament Prophets.  It is nearly impossible to understand the messages and ministry of Jesus without an understanding of the prophetic books of the Bible.

In this series, we will examine the historical and theological implications of selected prophetic books.  We will study the books of the four major prophets and several minor prophets.  We will study prophets within three periods of the History of the Jewish People:   The Divided Kingdom, The Exile and The Return.

I have decided to present his study in two parts.  Part I will focus on the period of The Divided Kingdom.  Part II will focus on The Exile and The Return.   The sessions for Part I began on Monday, April 12, 2021.  Part II began on Monday, September 13, 2021.   

Bible Study: The Book of Revelation

Deacon Rich Foley held on Monday morning at 10:00 am and Monday evening at 7:00 pm beginning on September 14, 2020. These sessions, held virtually using Google Meet, will explore the central message of the Book of Revelation through an examination of the historical and spiritual context of the first century Roman world. Email Deacon Rich to receive an invitation to either the 10:00 am or 7:00 pm sessions.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) 

Do you know someone who has thought about becoming Catholic or, for whatever reason, has been baptized but has not been confirmed or received Holy Communion?

The Roman Catholic Church has a process for adults who desire to become Catholic or to complete the Sacraments of Initiation for those already Baptized (Confirmation, Eucharist). This process is called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).  The RCIA process provides weekly sessions on the fundamental beliefs of our faith as well as an understanding of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist (Mass). In addition, the process emphasizes prayer, discernment and spiritual formation as each candidate responds to their call to become followers of Jesus through the Catholic Church.

This year RCIA will be presented online each Sunday morning from 11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.  Parishioners, who would like to participate as an RCIA team member and support our candidates, are welcome.  RCIA sessions are facilitated by St. Matthias parish deacons, Rich Foley and David Rolandelli.

If you have any questions, know of someone who would like to discuss joining RCIA, are considering being a team member, or would just like to experience the RCIA process, please contact Deacon Rich.  Please email Deacon Rich or call him at St. Matthias, 366-9544.

Please join us as we pray that the Holy Spirit will call individuals to seek a deeper relationship with Almighty God through His Church.

GIFT – Generations in Faith Together

Parents of school-aged children are invited to register their families for our family-based faith formation program, GIFT. This program meets in person every 2 weeks and explores topics such as, “What is Faith Formation?” and “How is my family the domestic church?” Families of children preparing for sacraments are required to register for an attend GIFT.