St. Matthias’ 60th Anniversary Weekend is September 17-18-19, 2021

All current and former parishioners are invited to join us in a celebration of our community; from the earliest days in the hardware store to today. We’ve had quite the journey as a parish from an elementary school to day care center, now Preschool; from possible closure to vibrancy; renovation of Fr. Lacey Hall and our Church and now the landscaping. Through it all, we’ve remained a faithful, warm and welcoming parish community for individuals and families of all ages.Many

Check back here frequently for updates, reservations and ticket information about the planned events.

St. Matthias’ 60th Anniversary Raffle

Our Grand Prize will be $1000! Many, many other great prizes will be awarded. Tickets are 5 for $100 or $25 each. Watch your mailbox for tickets or visit EVENTBRITE using the link below to purchase your tickets in advance. The drawing will occur during the reception on Sunday, September 19th. Winner need not be present to win. Watch here for a detailed listing of the prizes.

Contact the parish office (650) 366-9544 to order your raffle tickets. 

Friday, September 17th – Drive-In Movie 6:15-10:00 pm

In 1961, the year St. Matthias was founded, Disney’s 101 Dalmatians was released and was a box-office success. It was the eighth highest grossing film in North America that year. A film reviewer felt that all children and adults would be “highly entertained by Walt Disney’s latest, a semi-sophisticated, laugh-provoking, all cartoon, feature-lengther in Technicolor.”

As a nod to these early days, we’ll host a DRIVE IN MOVIE in the Church parking lot on Friday night. Instead of the original film, we’ll instead show the 1996 live-action version of the classic film, 101 Dalmatians. Cars arrive at 6:15 pm (no later than 7:00 pm), and pick up their snack packs (either pre-ordered or available for purchase). The movie will begin at 7:30 pm.


CHANGED: Saturday, September 18th – Day of Celebration – Meal Pick Up 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

It is with sadness that we announce that our original Day of Celebration event on Saturday, September 18th for our 60th Anniversary has been adapted. Due to rising concerns about COVID, an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our parishioners, and standing in solidarity with our neighboring parishes, we have decided to postpone this day of fun, food, and fiesta until a later date, to be determined.

We want to honor the tickets that you have purchased for this event in support of the parish and will therefore, still be providing you with boxed meals that you can pick up and take home to enjoy with your family and friends. Meals will be available for pickup on Saturday, September 18th between 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm in Fr. Lacey Hall. If you would prefer to receive a refund for tickets purchased for this event, please email Sabrina.

The meal will be provided by Arguello Catering and will contain the following menu items:

Adult: BBQ Chicken & Ribs, Red Potato Salad, Three Cheese Macaroni, Western Chili Beans, Fresh Fruit, Garlic Bread, and Brownie

A vegetarian meal option for adults: Veggie Skewers, Red Potato Salad, Three Cheese Macaroni, Western Chili Beans, Fresh Fruit, Garlic Bread, and Brownie.

Child (ages 6-12): Hot Dog & BBQ Chicken, Three Cheese Macaroni, Fresh Fruit, Garlic Bread, and Brownie

Child (under 5): Hot Dog, Fresh Fruit, Garlic Bread, and Brownie

Please note that the Drive-In Movie on Friday and Mass and Reception on Sunday will continue as planned.

We want to thank you for your support of our parish community.

Food Tickets:

$30 per adult

$20 per child (6-12 years old)

$10 per child (0-5 years old)


Sunday, September 19th – Mass, Blessing and Reception 9:45 am 

St. Matthias will celebrate one weekend Mass – Sunday at 9:45 am in our Church Parking Lot. Come celebrate our present and future as a community of love in Jesus Christ. Founding members of the parish will be honored, special music will be included in liturgy. Following Mass, we’ll bless our new landscaping at the front of the Church building, which will be followed by a cake and coffee reception in Fr. Lacey Hall. The raffle drawing will occur at the conclusion of the celebration. No reservations required. All are welcome!


T-shirts with our new 60th Anniversary Logo are available for purchase until August 28th. They will be delivered directly to your home by Sept 14st. T-shirts are unisex Hanes 100% cotton. Many sizes are available.  Orders are closed. 

To offer a raffle prize, or sponsor the event, please download and complete this form.