We are happy to see our parishioners as they return to Church for Mass. Many are still apprehensive about attending and that is totally understandable. We continue to closely monitor the San Mateo County public health notices and take direction from the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Our health and safety protocols are working and parishioners feel safe attending Mass. Some might be wondering what to expect when you return — here’s an idea:

A member of the staff (usually Lisa and Sabrina) will greet you at one of the double doors. We will ensure that you are wearing a mask (masks are required throughout Mass, except when you receive Communion) and that you have completed the Informed Consent Form (one-time only). There is a collection basket by both entrances for parishioners to drop off their donations. We will assign you and your family members a pew. All the pews are numbered and we have a map to demonstrate which pews are open and closed. In order to maintain the required 6 feet of physical distancing between households, every other pew has been closed off. There are signs on the pews — white signs indicate and open pew and the number of people that can accommodated, red signs indicate that the pew is closed.

Per San Mateo County Public Health Guidelines issued on July 1, 2020, singing is no longer allowed. All music will be instrumental. Our priest, deacon and 2 Eucharistic Ministers will bring Communion to you. As they approach you, lower your mask to receive Jesus’ Body. Then replace your mask.

Following Communion, the doors are opened and people are invited to exit the building so that our cleaning protocols can begin. We wipe down bathroom surfaces, door and window handles, pew backs, altar area, ambo area, collection table and music area in preparation for the next Mass.

Although it’s not quite “normal” it feels good to be back in the space with the community.

– Sabrina