Thank you to everyone who completed the ONE QUESTION survey about your preferences for indoor vs. outdoor Masses. We discussed parishioner feedback in conjunction with the guidelines from Archdiocese at our Staff Meeting yesterday. The following changes will go into effect this weekend, June 19-20th.

Saturday 5:00 pm Mass will remain inside the Church. Masks WILL BE required (even for those who are fully vaccinated). Congregational singing is allowed. We will not be assigning seats or taking attendance any longer. Physical distancing between households is now 3 feet.

Sunday 9:45 am Mass will remain outside in the Church parking lot. Masks WILL NOT be required.* Congregational singing is allowed. We will not be taking attendance.

*all who are more comfortable wearing masks can continue.

Live-streaming of both Masses will continue on our YouTube channel.

* Per Archbishop Cordileone’s Memo, the dispensation from attending Sunday Mass will be dropped and the Sunday Mass obligation restored, effective next weekend, June 26-27th.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email or contact Sabrina via email

Holy Triduum

Holy Thursday — April 1st   Mass 5:00 pm (outside) at St. Matthias. Click here to access the live-stream.

Good Friday — April 2nd

  • St. Matthias Church will be open for silent prayer from 12 noon to 3:00 pm.

  • Stations of the Cross, brief reflections on “The Seven Last Words of Jesus” will be live-streamed from St. Charles at 12 noon visit

  • Solemn Good Friday Liturgy including Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion will be held at St. Charles at 2:00 pm, all are welcome to attend

  • Stations of the Cross inside the Church at St. Matthias at 6:00 pm, all are welcome to attend

Holy Saturday — April 3rd   Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 pm (outside) at St. Charles, live-streamed

Easter Sunday — April 4th*  Easter Sunday Mass at 9:45 am (outside) at St. Matthias. Click here to access the live-stream.  *People are invited to sign up for contact tracing purposes.

Sign Up to Attend Easter Sunday Mass at 9:45 am


As San Mateo County continues to be in the purple tier on the State of California monitoring system which necessitates outdoor Masses only and rain is forecast for the weekend, we have devised a “good weather plan” and a “rainy day plan” for Masses.

Good Weather Plan

Mass will be celebrated outside in the Church parking lot on Sunday at 9:45 am. Masks are required. Bring your own chairs. There are chalk circles on the ground which are at least 6 feet apart. Please select a circle for your household to sit within to maintain physical distance from other households. Mass will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel Live Streams from St. Matthias in Redwood City

Rainy Day Plan

Mass will be celebrated outside in the Church parking lot on Sunday at 9:45 am. Parishioners will be invited to park facing the Preschool building. Ushers will be available to guide you. At the time of Communion, should you wish to receive you will be asked to get out of your car with umbrellas to receive from the Communion minister. Masses will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel Live Streams from St. Matthias in Redwood City


St. Matthias will celebrate the following Masses for Christmas & New Year’s Day

Christmas Eve – Thursday, December 24th at 4:00 pm

Christmas Day – Friday, December 25th at 10:00 am

Solemnity of Mary – Friday, January 1st 10:00 am

Parishioners are required to make reservations

Although we don’t have a maximum attendance capacity at outdoor Masses, taking reservations gives us your contact information and allows us to communicate any last minute changes.