Today’s Reflection from Father Dave

“Did your mother ever teach you not to walk in the street?” “She tried!” So began the conversation yesterday as I trekked to St. Matthias. My mom would tell the story about the time when I was 3 years old and had escaped the house and she discovered me lying in the middle of the street looking up at the sky. I still have the bad habit of walking in the street and not on the sidewalk. When I walk my thoughts drift and I do not always pay attention to the uneven sidewalks or the dips by the driveways, and these sometimes catch me unaware. So I walk in the street. (Please no comment about the possibility of me being unaware of the car bearing down on me. This is not a foolproof plan.)

This conversation started today from someone I see each day as we pass close to the church. Keeping our “social distance,” we exchange short pleasantries in the early morning. I have often walked the neighborhoods as part of my training for my yearly pilgrimages. In the past, when others are about I have noticed a disappointing habit of people not making eye contact or even exchanging greetings. This might be due more to my appearance: heavy backpack, old clothes, and baseball cap shoved down on my head, but things are different now. As I walk and see others, we might walk to the other side of the street (sidewalk for them), but we make eye contact and shout out a greeting, maybe even briefly stopping and yelling across the street some news.

In this time of “social distancing” have we become more aware of our need for one another and more welcoming of the stranger? We distance ourselves physically from one another, but socially we have become closer. Interesting concept this “social distancing.”

I have wondered about our distancing from our spiritual practices and what that has done to us. No longer can we physically meet as a community in prayer. The churches are open more as a reminder of what is missing and now a quiet place to spend time with the Lord. Now more than ever in my life, it feels like people are reaching out and expressing their need for God and the community in their lives. They miss “church” so to speak but have become more of a Church, a people of God during this time. I realize this is not all that clear; it is something I have been trying to understand and grapple with these last few days.

Yes some things do change, but one thing I believe that remains is the love of God for you and me.

In faith, hope, and love…

Your Wandering Padre
Fr. Dave

Yesterday was the Feast of St. Joseph, a favorite of mine. Joseph was a carpenter; no more needs to be said. Joseph who never said a word in Scripture taught us a great lesson. Joseph had a dream, and it was there that he learned what God was calling him to be. God was entrusting to Joseph God’s own dream, His dream to save His people. God was entrusting to Joseph His own Son, Jesus, who came to save us. The fulfillment of this dream would come when Jesus embraced the cross and went to His death to show God’s love for us.

The cross is a terrible and painful way of death, and some do not understand how we people of faith look to it as a sign of faith, hope, and love. It is because we take comfort in the cross that we know the extent of God’s desire to be with us, that His love embraced the cross so we might live.

A couple of days ago I mentioned the “comfort cross” I carry each day as I walk between St. Charles and St. Matthias. I received a second one from parishioner Phil to give to Archbishop Niederauer, who in his final days was confined to Nazareth House in San Rafael. The Archbishop held it often in those days as a constant reminder of the extent of God’s love for him. On the day the Archbishop died, his caregivers and those around him at the time sent me the photo you see with this article. Clasped in the Archbishop’s hands is the cross. The journey he had begun at the beginning of his life had now reached his destination; he was home.

The cross of confinement we carry today is a real one and it is hard. It is heavy; there is no denying that. But how we embrace and hold this cross says who we are as a people of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.

May you hold fast to the “Comfort Cross” of this difficult time. I realize this is a more contemplative reflection than my previous posts. Joseph who never said a word in Scripture taught us a great lesson, something the pastor should take to heart, say less, listen more.

Fr. Dave